Well Being

Keep Locks Luscious With These Winter Hair Care Tips
2023-12-27 Laura Francis Beauty Care

From hat hair to frizz, static locks to split ends, winter can play havoc with your hair. In summer, we all take extra care of our hair – but we tend to ease off on the regime when the cold winter months hit. Keep locks luscious with these tips.
Natural Treatment For Osteoporosis
Natural Treatment For Osteoporosis
2023-12-23 Tanya Todd Healthy Living

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become porous and weaker. If left untreated, osteoporosis can progress to broken bones or fractures with least possible trauma. Fractures are known to occur typically in the hip, spine, and wrist.
Things to Watch Out for When Taking Health Supplements
Things to Watch Out for When Taking Health Supplements
2023-12-23 MaryAnn DePietro Nutrition & Dieting

Dietary supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry in the USA. However, many people who are taking these supplements do not need them at all while others are not using them properly. Here are some things to watch out for when taking supplements.